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Remix Favorite Show and Game Wiki


Thalassa, also known as Neptune IV, is a natural satellite of the outer planet, Neptune. Thalassa was discovered in September 1989 by the Voyager Imagery Team.

Surface Features

The surface of Thalassa is unknown, because we haven't been close enough to the Neptunian moon to accurately see all of its features.

Stars Sun
Planets Mercury | Venus | Earth | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | Planet Nine | Chaos | Nemesis
Dwarf Planets Ceres | Pluto | Eris | Makemake | Haumea | Orcus | Sedna
Moons Luna | Phobos | Deimos | Io | Sinope | Ganymede | Europa | Callisto | Amalthea | Metis | Megaclite | Himalia | Elara | Dia | Pasiphae | Lysithea | Carme | Callirrhoe | Themisto | Taygete | Adrastea | Chaldene | Harpalyke | Kalyke | Iocaste | Erinome | Isonoe | Praxidike | Autonoe | Thyone | Hermippe | Aitne | Titan | Hyperion | Enceladus | Tethys | Mimas | Dione | Rhea | Iapetus | Phoebe | Janus | Epimetheus | Helene | Telesto | Calypso | Atlas | Prometheus | Pandora | Pan | Methone | Pallene | S/2004 S 17 | Miranda | Titania | Ariel | Umbriel | Oberon | Triton | Thalassa | Proteus | Larissa | Despina | Charon | Nix | Hydra | Kerberos | Styx | Dysnomia | Vanth | Hiʻiaka | Namaka
Asteroids Juno | Pallas | Vesta | Chiron | Ida | Dactyl
Other Asteroid Belt | Kuiper Belt