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Kalyke, also known Jupiter XXIII, is a retrograde irregular-shaped satellite belonging to the outer planet of Jupiter. This satellite was discovered by Eugene A. Magnier, Yanga R. Fernandez, Scott S. Sheppard, and David C. Jewett on November 23, 2000 at the Mauna Kea Observatory. Kalyke belongs to the Carme group, a group of retrograde irregular satellites orbiting Jupiter.


Kalyke is theorized to have been formed from the creation of the Carme group. After being pulled in to Jupiter's gravitational pull, a D-type asteroid, later named Carme, suffered collisions and shot debris and asteroids into Jupiter's gravitational pull, which created the other satellites of the Carme group, with Carme being the largest.


Most of the satellites in the Carme group have a light red surface. Kalyke is considerably redder than the rest of the satellites in the Carme group. Traces of brown are visible on the surface, which is also seen on the surface of the largest satellite of the Carme group, Carme. There is a noticeable unnamed crater on the northern section of Kalyke, possible from the creation of Kalyke. There are noticeable valleys and other craters on the surface of Kalyke, uncommon on satellites of the Carme group.


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